Private Hire & Taxis Law

Transport & Regulatory Law Solicitors » Private Hire & Taxis » Private Hire Vehicle Retainer Service

Private Hire Vehicle Retainer Service

“Value for money and peace of mind”

Finding ways to help private hire vehicle operators fund essential legal services is as much of a challenge for lawyers as it is for the passenger transport operators. For many years Pellys Transport & Regulatory Law solicitors has offered the option of acting for transport operators on a ‘retained’ basis. In return for an annual premium, calculated on the basis of the number of vehicles authorised, we will agree to cover operators on any claim that is included within the retained services which we offer (full terms and conditions apply) – licensing, employment and dispute resolution can be offered at attractive rates.

For further information on this valuable private hire operator service, please contact us.

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Richard Pelly

  01279 818280
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