Privacy & Cookies

Pellys Transport & Regulatory Services Limited's Privacy Policy

Who are "We"?

In this policy, whenever you see the words 'we', 'us', 'our' or the Practice, we are referring to "Pellys Transport & Regulatory Services Ltd".

Pellys Transport & Regulatory Services Limited is a limited company, Company Number 6751900.  We are regulated by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority and our SRA Number is 499327.

This Policy

The privacy and security of the personal information that we hold is very important to us.  This privacy policy explains how and why we obtain, use and store your personal data and we ask you to read this policy carefully to make sure that you stay informed and so that you can be confident about giving us your information.

If you have any questions about this policy or about the data that we hold (or may hold) for you, please get in touch with us.

We may need to change this Policy

If we need to update this policy (for example because a change in the law requires us to do so) we will publish the new version on our website, so we recommend that you check our website periodically to see if we have needed to make any changes that might affect you.

Does this Policy apply to You?

This policy applies to you if we obtain your personal data.  This may occur if you contact us, if you visit us, if you work with us or for us, or if you ask us to advise or represent you.

Our Promise to You.

We will never sell your personal data and we will only share it with people or organisations that we work with when it is necessary.  In common with many businesses we have relationships with third parties who help us with our work: accountants, IT support professionals and independent auditors (for example when we are processing a booking for you or if you come to work for us).

No privacy and security system can be guaranteed to be perfectly secure at all times, but we have put in place procedures and systems designed to keep your personal data secure.

Who should you contact about this Policy or your personal data?

If you have any questions in relation to this privacy policy or how we use your personal data you should write to us at Pellys Transport & Regulatory Services Limited, No.4 The Exchange, 9 Station Road, Stansted Mountfitchet, Essex, CM24 8BE.  Please send your request to us marked for the attention of our Managing Director, Richard Pelly, who is responsible for this policy.

What Personal Data do we Collect?

Your personal data (by which we mean information relating to you, for example, your name, address, date of birth, national insurance number, telephone number, and/or your email address) may be collected and used by us.  We ask that you let us know if ever any of the personal data that you provide to us changes or if you become aware that data that we may hold fo you is inaccurate.

We collect personal data in connection with specific activities concerning the work that we do with you or for you, and/or work which you do for us.

The personal data that you provide to us may include identification information, and if you visit us you may be recorded on our CCTV system.

Personal Data Provided by You

The data that you may provide to us or which we may obtain in the course of working with you or for you may include your personal details, financial information and/or medical information.

We may Automatically collect the Following Information:

When you make contact with us including if you make a payment to us using the Practice's website, our systems may collect personal data from you and about you.

Personal Data created by your Involvement with us

Your activities and involvement with us may result in personal data being created, used or stored by us.

Information we Generate

As part of our business we make use of data that we obtain and store, including identifying services that we offer which may be of interest to you.

Information from Third Parties

We do not buy anonymous external data from third parties (for example census data, or data held by credit reference agencies).

Sensitive Personal Data

At times we will collect sensitive personal data from you.  This is most likely to arise if you share this information with us, for example as part of your employment with us or if you ask us to advise and represent you.  Sensitive personal data could include confidential financial and/or medical information about you.

Children's Personal Data

We do not employ anyone under the age of 18 years and we do not act directly for anyone under the age of 18.  There are circumstances in which we might do legal work that would be for the benefit of someone under the age of 18 and in those circumstances it may be that we would obtain, use and/or store such data.

Marketing to Young People

We will not send marketing emails, letters or make calls to people under the age of 17.  We will not send any marketing communications to young people aged between 13 and 17 and we will not profile anyone under the age of 18.

How We Use your Personal Data and Why we are Allowed to Do So

We will only hold or use your personal data as permitted by law with reference to the obligations that may apply if we act as a data controller or data processor.  When you work with us or for us and we have a contract with you it may be necessary for us to hold your personal information to enable us to work with you and to allow us to discharge our contractual obligations.

If you instruct us to advise or represent you, then we will carry out this work under our Terms and Conditions of Business, which will mean that there is a contract in place.

We may have a legitimate interest in making contact with you, for example if we think we may be able to help you when we have worked with you or for you in the past, or if you have a particular issue that relates to the work that we do in the Practice.

When you make contact with us and/or when we do work for you it may be legally necessary to obtain, use or store your personal data (for example if we are asked by the police, or any other regulatory or government authority investigating suspected illegal activities, we may need to provide your personal data).

Sometimes we will need to share your data with third parties (who should also have their own Privacy Policies).  For example, there may be occasions when we are the subject of external audits, or because our accountants require access to our financial records, or because we require assistance to host and operate our data systems (including our computer systems, telephones, website and email facilities).  Wherever we can we will limit our use of your data and the access that any third party has to it.

Marketing Communications

Your privacy is important to us, so we will always seek to keep your details secure.

If you are happy for us to get in touch with you to provide you with details of the services that we offer which may be of interest to you, then, with your consent we may get in touch with you from time to time.

If you agree to receive marketing information from us you can change your mind at any time thereafter.

However, if you tell us you do not want to receive marketing communications, then you may not hear about services that we offer which may be of interest to you.  The choice is yours and we will respect your preferences.


"Cookies" are small pieces of information between a web server and a web browser, which enable the server to collect information from the browser.  We may use cookies to enable us to provide the mechanisms for online browsing and to monitor traffic.  These cookies do not contain any personally identifiable information.

This website does not automatically capture or store personal data from visitors to the site, other than to log the user's IP address and session information. This information is used only for the administration of the site and in the compilation of aggregated statistics to measure the use of this site.

This website utilises cookies. Cookies are text files that identify your computer to our server and provide us with non-personal statistical information about what you do on the website. You generally have the opportunity to set your computer to accept all cookies, to notify you when a cookie is issued, or not to receive cookies at any time. If you refuse a cookie it may prevent the proper operation of the site. By continuing to use this web site, you accept that cookies will be used.

catAccCookies1 monthUsed to record that the user consents to accept cookies.
_ga2 yearsUsed by Google to distinguish unique users for
measuring website usage.
_gat_gtag24 hoursUsed by Google to set the identification code of
website for tracking visits.
_gid24 hoursUsed by Google to identify if a user returns within 24
hours of their first view.
_wpfuuidPersistentUsed to enable our contact form to function correctly.
Does not contain any personal information or entry details.
PHPSESSIDUntil browser is closedIdentifies the start of a session on our secure payment page and is used to maintain user session variables. No information is stored in the user's browser and this cookie can only be used by the current web site.

This privacy policy applies only to this web site. It does not cover the links within the site linking to other web sites. Pellys Transport & Regulatory Services Limited is not responsible for the privacy and security of these sites.

How we Protect your Information

The Internet is not a secure medium.  However, we have put in place various security procedures to help ensure that your personal information is secure.  We also keep your information confidential.  Our internal procedures cover the storage, access and disclosure of your information.

Your Rights

You have the Right to be Informed

You have the right to be informed that we hold data about you and the reasons why we are holding this information.

You have the Right of Access

You have the right to know about the information that we hold relating to you.  If you ask us to provide you with details of the personal data that we hold for you then we will do so in a structured and easy to use format.

You have the Right of Rectification

You have the right to make sure that the data that we hold for you is correct and complete.  If you believe that the personal data that we hold for you is inaccurate and/or incomplete then please let us know.  If we have got something wrong or have not included information we will try to correct this for you.

You have the Right of Erasure

You have the right to have your personal data erased when it is no longer required for the purposes for which we collected it.

If we are holding personal data because you have consented to us doing so and, if you withdraw your consent, you are entitled to ask that we delete your data and we promise to do so (provided we do not need to retain the data for some other reason, in which case we will explain our reasons for retaining your data so that you know what we are doing and why).

If we have held your data because we have worked with you or for you, or if you have worked for us, we will only hold onto your data after the work between us is completed for as long as necessary.

If you are concerned that we may be holding your personal data when there is no longer any need or proper reason for us to do so and you wish us to erase your data, please let us know.

When we agree to advise or represent you we will write to you to explain our procedures for storing your data.

You have the Right to Restrict Processing

In certain circumstances you have the right to restrict the processing of your data; for example where the accuracy of the data is contested.  If you have any questions or concerns in relation to the processing of your data please let us know.

You have the Right to Data Portability

You have the right to request a copy of the personal data that you have provided to us in a usable format.

You have the Right to Object

You have the right to stop receiving direct marketing communications from us and you have the right to object to other processing of your personal data in specific circumstances.  If you have any questions or concerns in relation to the data that we hold for you and/or the purposes for which we hold such data please let us know.

You have the Right not to be subject to Automated Decision-Making including Profiling

Automated decision-making occurs when a decision is taken solely by automated means and without any human contact.  You have the right not to be the subject of automated decision-making including profiling.

The Information Commissioner

For more information about your rights in relation to your personal data you can contact the Information Commissioner via the Information Commissioner's Office website at 

How to Contact Us

We welcome your views about our website and our privacy policy.  If you would like to contact us, please do so by clicking here.

Policy was last updated on 11th June 2024