In November 2018 the Senior Traffic Commissioner issued revised guidance for Road Transport Operators in the form of updated versions of his Statutory Documents.  This followed a consultation which ran from 16th July - 27th August 2018, with the industry and key stakeholders invited to provide comments.  13 responses were received.

As a result of the consultation, all of the Senior Traffic Commissioners Statutory Documents have been revised apart from Statutory Document 6 (vocational driver conduct).

The revisions include:

  • New guidance on the importance of continuous professional development;
  • Clearer guidance on what will happen if someone uses an operator's licence without authority ('fronting');
  • Greater emphasis on the importance of accurate applications;
  • A new section on support for tribunal users;
  • Updated guidance on what happens when periods of grace expire; and
  • A new section on driver employment status.

Introducing the latest revisions, the Senior Traffic Commissioner for Great Britain, Richard Turfitt emphasised the importance of training for senior personnel, saying:

"...transport managers and other responsible persons should be able to demonstrate to traffic commissioners that they are able to meet their statutory responsibilities through professional development, in particular when they have not been acting for an operator in the last 5 years, their qualification is more than 10 years old or their ability to exercise continuous and effective management is under consideration at a Pubic Inquiry"

He went on to add that:

"It is important that we get the balance right, so that irresponsible people, who ignore the safety of other road users, do not put compliant businesses at a disadvantage".

Operators and Transport Managers are expected to be familiar with the Statutory Documents, which provide crucial guidance and advice (as well as information about how the Traffic Commissioners themselves apply the law and discharge their regulatory powers).  Operators would be well advised to familiarise themselves quickly with the latest versions - click here to find them.

For further help or advice on these revisions don't hesitate to call us on 01279 818280 or click here to send an email.

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