The increasing digitisation of the working world has reached the Office of the Traffic Commissioner's applications process, with the induction of digital applications about to be a requirement for all Major applications from 1st August 2022 onwards.

The Office of the Traffic Commissioners made the announcement on 23rd June 2022 stating; "...applications made on paper forms are [often] on old outdated forms that cannot now be processed, leading to delays with applications".  The announcement goes on to say that submitting a fully completed online application with all supporting evidence attached cuts down on "extra work for you [the operator] and for us".

This change is squarely aimed at trying to deal with applications more quickly and more efficiently and in turn ensure that more operators can obtain authorities with less delay.  The new system means that all operators will need to have a VOL account through which the applications are made.  According to the OTC, over 94% of businesses are now using the VOL system for their major applications or major variation applications.  If you are one of the 6% who do not already have a VOL account click here to sign up for one.

This change supports the OTC's aim to reduce application processing times and it seems clear from this announcement that this will not be the last change to application processes that will be made to achieve this aim.

For help and assistance with an OTC application or any other assistance with your transport operation, click here to send an email, or call 01279 818280 to speak with one of our team.  We are here to help.

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