Coach & Bus Transport Law

PSV Licence Applications

Pellys Transport & Regulatory Law solicitors regularly receive instructions from passenger transport operators who require advice and assistance about the PSV road transport licensing regime.

Faced with all the day to day challenges of running their businesses, coach and bus operators do not always have time (or do not prioritise finding the time) to review what they are doing and how they are recording what they are doing on the compliance side of the business.

Some coach and bus operators perceive that there is no need to get legal advice unless the DVSA (or commercial vehicle unit police) come to call and find fault with what they see, or unless they are arrested or charged with an offence, and sometimes regrettably, not even then – often to the detriment or loss of their business.

Advising on licence applications for PSV (Coach & Bus) is an area where an expert road transport solicitor can add real value. Obtaining the right advice and taking the right action before making a licence application can be the difference between having the application approved on the one hand or facing everything that can follow when an application is refused or made the subject of a Public Inquiry.

To ensure your PSV licence application goes forward without a hitch speak with one of our team and ensure that you only need pay for “one stitch” not “nine”.

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Richard Pelly

  01279 818280
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