Coach & Bus Transport Law

Transport & Regulatory Law Solicitors » Coach & Bus Transport Industry » Operating Centres – Is Your OC Legal?

Operating Centres

Is Your OC Legal?

An operating centre or OC is an important part of a coach and bus transport business and one that has to be defined in law. Vehicles are required to return to an operating centre and to be 'normally kept' there, as defined in the operator licence, allowing the Transport Manager to effectively manage both vehicles and drivers.

This is another area where Coach and Bus operators can fall foul of the law. As a coach and bus operator, do you know how an operating centre is defined in law and are you familiar with the issues that determine whether an operating centre is in fact legal or illegal?

If you are unsure, then you run the risk of non-compliance with your operator's licence and may in fact have an illegal operating centre. Our expert team of transport solicitors at Pellys Transport & Regulatory Law can advise you with all aspects of the law around operating centres and can help you to ensure that you are compliant. Contact us to discover more about how we can help with this, and all other aspects of transportation law.

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Richard Pelly

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