Coach & Bus Transport Law

Transport & Regulatory Law Solicitors » Coach & Bus Transport Industry » Being Investigated by DVSA or Police?

Being Investigated by DVSA or the Police?

Stop and ask yourself the following questions about your business...

  1. Have you ever been investigated by the DVSA or the Police before?
  2. Do you know how to prepare for a pre-arranged visit by the DVSA’s traffic and vehicle examiners?
  3. Do you know how you may be able to predict when you are likely to receive an unannounced visit by the DVSA’s traffic and vehicle examiners?
  4. Do you know how to prepare for a pre-arranged, or unannounced, visit by the DVSA’s traffic and vehicle examiners?
  5. Do you know how to respond to correspondence from the DVSA seeking further information or reassurance in respect of shortcomings found on inspection at an operating center visit and/or following adverse findings at a roadside check or even after a prosecution resulting in conviction?
  6. Have you or anyone whom you employ ever been interviewed under caution by the DVSA or the Police?
  7. Have you or anyone whom you employ ever been arrested?
  8. Have you or anyone whom you employ ever been charged, prosecuted or convicted of a criminal offence?

Being faced with a formal DVSA or police investigation is a highly stressful experience which is fraught with uncertainty. Dealing properly with an investigation right from the ‘get go’, responding appropriately when invited to answer questions under caution or even managing the process of formal arrest and interview are frequently vital to successfully resolving DVSA and Police enquiries.

The sooner Pellys Transport & Regulatory Law have the opportunity to advise your transport business on a DVSA or police investigation, the more likely it is that we will be able to offer real practical assistance that operators need.

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Richard Pelly

  01279 818280
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